2025 Captain America: Brave New World

captain america

Captain America: Brave New World When Rashtrapati Thaddeus Ross was on the run, Sam was in the midst of an inter-Rashtriya conflict. Isse ki asli mastermind apni chal se poori duniya ko hilakar rakh de; kaisa ek khatarnak aur naapaak vaishvik saazish ke pichhe ka asli raaz pata lagana hoga. My dear, I am sorry, but I will not be able to attend the funeral since I am sick with a bad cold.

 captain america
Directed by: Julius Onah

Writing Credits
Julius Onah
Peter Glanz
Matthew Orton

Malcolm Spellman
Dalan Musson
Rob Edwards

Jack Kirby
Joe Simon


Harrison Ford Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross / Red Hulk
Liv Tyler Betty Ross
Rosa Salazar Rachel Leighton / Diamondback
Giancarlo Esposito Sidewinder
Anthony Mackie Sam Wilson / Captain America
Tim Blake Nelson Samuel Sterns / The Leader
Shira Haas Ruth Bat-Seraph / Sabra
Takehiro Hira Prime Minister Ozaki
Danny Ramirez Joaquin Torres / Falcon
Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson Copperhead
Carl Lumbly Isaiah Bradley
Rachael Markarian Presidential Aide
Marissa Chanel HamptonReporter Orah Fox
Jacqueline Loucks Secret Service Agent #2
Tony Mareno Navy Seal
Zo’Anne Mckinstry White House Press

Produced by

Mitchell Bell co-producer
Louis D’Esposito executive producer
Kevin Feige producer
Nate Moore producer
Charles Newirth executive producer

Music by

Laura Karpman
Cinematography by
Kramer Morgenthau
Editing by
Madeleine Gavin
Matthew Schmidt

Casting By

Sarah Finn
Production Design by
Ramsey Avery

Art Direction by

Hunter Brown
Zachary Fannin
Alan Hook
Kristin Lekki
Sam Michlap

Set Decoration by

Rosemary Brandenburg
John Naehrlich (additional photography)

Costume Design by

Alexis Forte (additional photography)
Gersha Phillips

Makeup Department

Gary Archer Special effects teeth
Sophie Ashworth makeup artist
David Atherton makeup artist
Shutchai Tym Buacharern Personal makeup artist: Anthony Mackie
Larraya Bynum key hair stylist
Leay Cangelosi hair stylist
Kay Cantrell hair stylist / key hair stylist second unit
Deborah La Mia Denaver makeup department head
Chris Diamantides makeup artist
Nicki Harris Contact Lens Technician
Nix Herrera special makeup effects artist
Christel Irick key hair stylist 2nd unit
Tahirah Jennings hair stylist
Chawana Jones makeup artist
Jonah Levy Key Special Makeup Effects Artist

Missy Lisenby makeup artist
Tarik Mallett Barber
Will Mims III Barber
Mazena Puksto Assistant department head makeup
Renee Ramos hair stylist
Sharon Renee makeup artist
Lynette Rimmer hair stylist
Deborah Rutherford makeup artist
Don Rutherford makeup artist
Gabriel Solana makeup artist
Matt Sprunger makeup artist
Dawn Turner hair stylist
Haile Werntz makeup artist
Crystal Woodford key hair stylist

captain america

Production Management

Jasmine Marie Alhambra production manager: add’l photography
Lisa Dietrick production supervisor: additional photography
Rachael Lin Gallaghan production supervisor: 2nd unit
Hitesh Kumar production manager
Jacinda Kumar associate production manager
Rabin Raju assistant production manager
Page Rosenberg-Marvin production supervisor

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Robert Alonzo Second Unit Director
Martha Anger assistant director
Semmi Cole Set Production Assistant
Jessica Taylor Galmor additional second assistant director
Katy Galow Key 2nd Assistant Director
Meaghan Gillenwater second second assistant director
Sybil Kim production assistant
Justin Muller second unit first assistant director
Michele Panelli-Venetis first assistant director
Kristina M. Peterson second unit second assistant director
Michelle Schrauwers second unit assistant director
Keaton Suskie Additional 2nd Assistant Director: additional photography
James Young second unit director

Sound Department

Tyler Blythe sound mixer: second unit
Christopher Boyes Sound Designer / Supervising Sound Editor
Willie D. Burton sound mixer
Scott Cannizzaro adr mixer
Kevin Cerchiai boom operator: additional photography
Greg Crawford adr mixer
Thomas J. Doolittle boom operator: second unit
Coya Elliott upervising Sound Editor
Jenny Elsinger sound utility
Christopher Flick Foley Supervisor
Lora Hirschberg Re-Recording Mixer
Daniel S. McCoy sound mixer: LA Unit
Adam Mohundro boom operator
Whit Norris sound mixer: additional photography
Jamison Rabbe adr mixer
Matthew A Thompson sound utility: additional photography
Rowan Watson sound effects editor

Special Effects by

David Boucher Special effects technician
Marshall T. Broyles special effects technician
Charles Cooley special effects foreman
Bailey Eller special effects technician
Jared Fleury special effects technician
Allison Gainza special effects technician
Ancil Gordon special effects technician
Marcos Markland Insert Car/Process Trailer Driver
Blake McCann Tool Man
Bruce E. Merlin pyrotechnics supervisor
Tim Pothier special effects
Anthony Simonaitis special effects foreman
Linda Verzi Buyer

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